March 14, 2024

Dear Central Church, 

Christians are just a little odd, or at least that should be. I’m not talking about odd ways of dressing, how one styles their hair, or just being generally awkward in social situations. Christians have been known for all three, but that’s not the “odd” I’m talking about. Followers of Jesus are inviting into distinct ways of living and speaking that bear witness to the grace they have experienced. 

In Ephesians 5, Paul writes this: “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Eph. 5:1-2) We are invited to “walk in the way of love,” one that imitates the example of Christ. Paul describes this as a “fragrant offering.” Apparently, the way we live gives off a distinct smell. When we walk and talk like Jesus, it’s a pleasing and fragrant aroma. The opposite of this must be true as well. When we live selfishly and with disregard for others, it’s no longer distinct…it just stinks. 

This Sunday we’re exploring the core value of “Christ-like Living.” We believe that through sanctifying grace we can become more like Jesus in all we do. Our life can be so transformed by God that it looks more like Jesus every day. Pastor Bethany Acre will be preaching this week, and I am so thankful for her life and ministry. She is a vital part of our team, and I know God is going to use her to help us embrace this call to Christ-like Living. 

As we approach Easter, here are 3 things you can do to share the good new of Christ’s resurrection with our community: 

  1. The Bunny Hop. This outreach event for our community like a Trunk-or-Treat and an Egg Hunt were combined. Check out the information below to volunteer to serve and invite your friends with children to attend! 

  2. Easter Invite Card. We have cards available in the sanctuary for you to share with friends, co-workers, and neighbors. This is an easy way to let people know the difference the resurrection has made in your life! 

  3. Share on Social Media. All of our Easter events have supporting pictures, details, and videos on social media. Share what you find on our channels! Here’s a video I did that is specifically designed for someone who may be curious about faith. 

Most importantly, please keep the Bunny Hop and Easter services in your prayers. I’m trusting the Lord to use these efforts to change someone’s life for eternity. Remember: we are someone’s best chance to know Jesus!

Until He’s Finished,
Pastor Mark  

P.S. Here’s the prayer we’re praying each Sunday as we journey through this series.

A Made for Mission Prayer:
God, remind me of who we are as the Church; help me find my place in what we do; and let me wake up each day knowing why it matters for eternity.


MARCH 21, 2025


March 7, 2024