April 4, 2024

Dear Central Church,

Last week we began the Easter season when we made this triumphant declaration known as the Paschal Greeting: He is risen…He is risen, indeed! By making this declaration, we are making some bold claims that form the heart of the Christian faith: the tomb is empty, Christ is victorious over death, and his victory is our victory when we put our faith in him. 

Easter reveals to us the depth of God’s love for humanity. He is “all in” for us. There is nothing he won’t do to see us reconciled to him. Paul describes this in his letter to the Romans: 

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:7-8) 

There’s no plausible reason that would explain the depth of God’s love for us. We’ve done nothing to earn his favor. And yet, Christ gives his life for us. The story of the Gospels is that he’s “all in” for us. 

The question I want to pose in this Easter season is simple: Are we “all in” for him? We can’t just let the resurrection story be something that we cognitively affirm but prevent from impacting the direction of our lives. This news is SO good and SO compelling that it demands a response from those who hear it. 

Jesus went all in for us - what does it look like for us to go “all in” for him? The Apostle Paul answers this question in Romans 5-8 in describing the journey from believer to Christ-like disciple. I’m excited to begin the “All In” sermon series as we explore the difference the resurrection makes in our lives. 

As you prepare for Sunday, don’t forget that we are hosting “Lunch On Us” immediately following the 10:30 service. If you are new to Central, please join our pastoral team for this informal luncheon to learn more about our church. If you’re a regular at Central, this luncheon is a great opportunity to invite a new friend who can learn how to get better connected. See you Sunday!

Until He’s Finished,
Pastor Mark


April 11, 2024


March 28, 2024